Sunday, June 27, 2010

First joined

When I first joined Cub Scouts in 1st grade my Den Leader was not very organized and we didn't really acomplish that much stuff. He was a volunteer Firefighter and he also has a kid with disabilites so he was always busy and it was normal to only have a den meeting once a month or so. Then my mom decided to switch me to another Cubscout Den and it's Den Leaders were very to the point and they really didn't do that much fun stuff with us. They wanted us to earn to earn the most possiable amount of belt loops but none of us had any fun. I stayed with Den 3 for the rest of my Cub Scout days. I just wished I could find a balanced leader between having fun and having us do belt loops. Since I didn't have a good experiance in Cubscouts I thought that Boy Scouts was the same so, I was planning on not crossing over into Boy Scouts. But I went to the Boy Scout Troop orentation night I found out that I really liked Boy Scouts. The Cub Scout program is so much different then the Boy Scout program. This is part of the reason why a lot of Cub Scouts drop out. I'm still so happy that my mom made me crossover into Boy Scouts because I would be missing out on alot of cool actvities and it keeps me busy and out of trouble.

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